Expanding Markets for Natural Fibers.

Cost effective eco friendly textiles.

Natural fiber markets are rapidly expanding, propelled by significant industry tailwinds. As global demand for sustainable, eco-friendly materials surges, consumers are increasingly choosing products with lower environmental impacts.

Regulatory pressures and corporate sustainability commitments are compelling manufacturers to prioritize sustainable materials, aligning with their ESG objectives.


  • Current Market Size: $2B
  • Key Drivers: Consumer demand, regulatory changes, and corporate sustainability initiatives

linen shirt

ABMT’s Competitive Edge

Revolutionizing Production Efficiency

The linen fiber production industry faces challenges including low productivity, limited throughput, and inconsistent quality. ABMT directly addresses these issues with proven automated equipment, automated quality control and seamless digital integration, ensuring superior output and reliability.

Canada’s Leading Position

Utilizing Canada’s world-class research facilities, optimal growing conditions, and extensive agricultural land, ABMT is well-positioned to lead the industry. Supported by governmental incentives and access to Western financial markets, we harness these advantages to fuel our R&D, innovation and commercial growth.

Key Advantages

Why Working, Partnering or Investing with us Makes Sense.

Strategic Market Positioning

Ready to leverage global trends and regulatory shifts towards sustainable fiber materials.

Meeting Global Demand

Provides affordable, premium-quality, and environmentally sustainable natural fiber solutions.

Imminent Commercialization

ABMT’s Patented, superior technology has successfully been proven, tested and validated.

Strong Financial Prospects

The flagship plant is expected to deliver robust economics and quick payback, with potential for further expansion through additional owned/operated plants and licensing.

Experienced Leadership

Led by industry veterans with extensive technical expertise and operational experience.

Strategic Partnerships

Partnering with leading flax and hemp fiber companies to guarantee advanced technological support and secure market access.